N.W.F.L (North West Fight League) Schedule & details
The N.W.F.L. (North west Fight League) is similar the the popular IFL with the exception it is amatuer. It is a team based MMA league based upon one competitor for each chosen weight class. The weight classes will tenatively be 155, 170, 185, 205 & 255. We may change one of the weight classes depending upon the availability of people to fill it. The launch date of the N.W.F.L. is going to be JULY 14th at the M.E.K.A. Challenge 4 at the Forest Grove Armory.
Some basic info:
- All teams are welcome & teams must be submitted by June 23rd 2007.
- Each team will compete against another team & the team with the most wins that night advances to the next stage.
- Everytime a competitor wins he is given a point for his team.
- The team with the most cumalitive points for the season wins that season.
- A season will be based upon the amount of teams registered.
- Registration of teams is due by JUNE 23rd, 2007. (extensions may be given)
- The league will open up on July 14th, 2007.
- A team that wins an event will not compete will skip an event in order to prepare for the next event. That way each team will not compete too much.
- Parody will used so no team will have competitors with more than 3 fights per that weight class as compared to the rest of the participants in that weight class.
- If a team has an injured member & no replacement they forfeit that weight class for that event.
- All applicable rules for amatuer MMA apply.
- Independents may try out to be placed on any team they qualify with.
- The teams will need to come up with their own team & possibly logo's if wanted.
I will update the rules as needed. Please register teams at this email address :
This is going to be a great way for local teams & athletes to get some experience & coverage in a very popular event. So far it is getting alot of excitement & is generating alot of interest across the
Weight classes are:
155, 170, 185, 205, 255
Please have your provide the lineup of your team for registration by June 23rd (if you don't have your final team by then please ask for an extension) & the name of your team, logo's & mascots(if you are doing that). As some of you already have done please email me your information , logo's, mascots, etc as soon as possible so I can give it to the press for publication.
Please email me if you have any questions.
This is going to be a great event & I am excited to have everyone involved. Expect the same response as the I.F.L as this is creating a lot of excitement & getting alot of buzz.
M.E.K.A. Challenge 4 July 14th N.W.F.L Kick off date & Qualifier
M.E.K.A. Challenge 5 August 25th N.W.F.L. Qualifier
M.E.K.A. Challenge 6 September 22nd N.W.F.L. Qualifier
M.E.K.A. Challenge 7 October 27th N.W.F.L. Qualifier
M.E.K.A. Challenge 8 November 24th N.W.F.L. Semi Finals
M.E.K.A. Challenge 9 December 29th N.W.F.L. Semi Finals
Finals to be announced
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