Kaimana was diagnosed with Leukemia on Feb. 16th, 2010 and is now receiving intense chemotherapy treatments.
Kaimana just turned 15. He has been training with us since he was 4 years old. He has fought on two NW Fight Challenges defeating both opponents in Kickboxing and MMA. He holds the 100 lb. MMA
Championship belt from NW Fight Challenge IV - Nov. 18th, 2006. He is also a second degree brown belt under Brian Johnson
He is now fighting his biggest battle and will once again win this fight. To help ease the burden of medical expenses during this trying time we ask for your donations. We appreciate your support as we all come together in the MMA community to raise money for a young boy with a bright future.
Thank you,
Brian and Dani Johnson
Monetary donations and donations for the MMA themed raffle can be dropped of at the Academy of Brian Johnson Karate & Fitness at
3707 College St SE, Lacey, WA,
98503 - weekdays 4:00 - 9:00 p.m.
360.413.9900 or visit www.bjohnsonkarate.com
more info)
Drawing to be held Saturday April 24th @ NW Fight Challenge IX "Bad Intentions" South Puget Sound Community College - Olympia, Washington.
more about the Event HERE.