"Judo" Jon Khron just underwent Brain Surgery last week to remove a tumor in his brain. The tumor was
completely removed and the tough natured Team Quest fighter was thanking his supporters an hour after his surgery. Jon will need all the help our MMA community can muster. People have already started to band together to help Jon get the help he needs...
The Judo Jon Fund for MMA Fighters and Coaches Facing Serious Illness
is a nonprofit initiated by Alive MMA and stewarded by the family of Jon Krohn. Anyone can donate simply go into any US Bank and tell them you would like to donate to the Judo Jon fund and help out a guy who has touched so many
Also check out
Cage Culture.com and get your own Judo Jon shirt.
All proceeds go to benefit The Judo Jon Fund.
which hosts the "First Friday Fights" series will be
donating money from the series to the Judo Jon Fund with
the next show scheduled for Friday, April 2nd in Milwaukie,
Oregon at the Elks Club.
info on the Judo Jon Fund can be found at AliveMMA.com.