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Fighter's Night Out - August 29th, 2009

The Sedro-Woolley Martial Arts Academy - Sedro-Woolley, Washington

Story and photos by Benjamin N. Taylor

Sedro-Woolley, Wash (29 Aug 2009) - The Sedro-Woolley Martial Arts Academy or The Academy hosted its Friday night fights Aug 28 here.


John McCalib VS Jake Fletcher in a MMA match

Fletcher won in the first round.

The Academy hosted Fighter's Night Out the first Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fight held in Sedro-Woolley. 16 fighters from both The Academy and Fidalgo Island Boxing Cub from Anacortes, Wash faced off in eight fights Friday night.

"We have a couple different classes and one of them is Little Dragons," said Bill Mears. "I would like to start by having my favorite Little Dragon Gabriel recite the Student Creed."

The academy offers five classes Little Dragons (ages 4 to7), Juniors (ages 8 to 18), Kick Boxing, MMA, and Cardio-kick Boxing.

"I am a winner. As dedicated student of the martial arts; I live life by the principles of Black Belt knowledge, honest and strength. I will only fight to protect my life and the lives of others. I am a winner," said Gabriel!

The fights came to the ring and introduced themselves to the sold out crowd.


Fights were refereed by Jason Emmil with a half time Kaju Kembo demonstration by Mike Walker.

1st fight: Tanner Klemann VS Sebastian Booker in an MMA match.

Klemann won in the first round.

2nd fight: Joe Fallis VS Jeremy Cantrell in an MMA match.

Fallis won in the first round by submission.

3rd fight: Jordan Ferrier VS Aribus Grenier in a MMA match.

Ferrier won in the first round by doctor stopping the fight.

4th fight: John McCalib VS Jake Fletcher in a MMA match.

Fletcher won in the first round.

5th fight: Billy Moore VS Antonel Cruz in a Boxing match.

Cruz won in the second round.

6th fight: Mike Croke VS Andrew Park in an MMA match.

Park won in the first round due to doctor stopping the fight.

7th fight: Chris Townsend VS Colin Granville in a MMA match.

Granville won in the second round due to doctor stopping the fight.

8th fight: Eric Armey VS Ryan Bakker in a MMA match.

Armey won in the first round due to knock-out in 13 seconds.

"I liked the fights," said Natalia Taylor, age 6. "I liked the first fight best. I think I had the best seat in the house."


Billy Moore in red head gear fights his first boxing match

VS Antonel Cruz in blue head gear.   Cruz won in the second round.

The Academy housed 100 plus people for a two hour show.

"It turned out better than I thought it would this afternoon," Anthony Volkman.

"It was a sold out show."

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